What do we look like when we are working at our best? Generally performing well, but also energised, absorbed, and enjoying ourselves. And if we feel good, we tend to do things more quickly, more effectively and more sustainably. This is why we love the strengths approach.
Strengths are activities that make you feel energised and lead to sustainable, good, performance. You can identify them by reflecting on what you really enjoy and makes you feel alive; by thinking back to what you were naturally drawn to as a child; or by completing a psychometric (we tend to use Strengthsprofile, but others are available). Everyone has unique strengths and identifying them is worth the investment – if you use them more, you start to get results. You will feel happier, be more resilient, and be more successful.
There is science behind this – this isn’t about only doing what you love but doing more of it. Generally, at work there is a lot of focus on what people CAN do, rather than what makes them feel good. However, if we take both into account, we tap into natural motivations which enable focus, wellbeing and high performance. If you have something that you want to achieve, consider how you could make it more energising by choosing a strategy which plays to your strengths.
You can find our book about applying the strengths approach here.