When was the last time you had the opportunity to think through something of importance to you, to its conclusion, without interruption, which also left you with a feeling of being valued and appreciated? I have felt this power over and over in the form of a thinking session and I never cease to be amazed when it works so beautifully. It seems so simple. Yet it is deep and surprisingly rare.
Our society is one of constant interruptions. Not always deliberate or obvious, not even visible; sometimes these interruptions may be subtle and unintentional. We are constantly receiving each other’s thoughts, ideas, questions, or suggestions in our daily interactions, which can impact and interrupt our ability to think. Even the merest hint of these things is enough to interrupt our thinking. As a result, we have come to doubt our own capacity for thinking. We may have convinced ourselves that we need something or someone else to unlock our freshest thinking, that others have the answers. But we have everything we need to think well for ourselves already, and the thinking environment repeatedly demonstrates that to me…
Being a thinker in this way can feel very different and probably unlike anything we have become used to. It can even create a feeling of discomfort to begin with. To be trusted to think for yourself in that way, to trust yourself that you know what to do, to simply have the undivided attention of another person, can feel quite different. However, once you settle in, and allow yourself to be a thinker, in the true sense of the word, then I believe you will love it, as I did and still do. I find this approach essential to my professional development as well as a personal support in my life. Recognition as always to Nancy Kline for developing and sharing this wonderful gift!
If you would like to experience the thinking environment for yourself, you can take a free taster session by getting in touch with us. You can learn to become a thinking partner by attending one of our online courses (next one in September 2021) where you can immerse yourself in the thinking environment with a small group of like-minded thinkers. You can also book a thinking coaching session (coaching based in a thinking environment) where the promise of no interruption will be honoured.
For more, please contact susie@applypsychology.co.uk